Minh Ha-Duong’s Publication List

Clean Energy and Sustainable Development

Peer-reviewed articles

  1. Minh Ha-Duong (2024-09-12) Power system planning in the energy transition era: the case of Vietnam's Power Development Plan 8. Climate Policy, pp. 31. eprint doi.
  2. Minh Ha-Duong (2024-04-12) Vietnam at the dawn of its energy transition. Mondes en Développement 52:205, pp. 115-136. eprint doi.
  3. Minh Ha-Duong (2024-02) Transition énergétique: promesses et défis des JETP. La revue de l'énergie 670, pp. 11–21. (Reprinted as: Minh Ha-Duong (2024-06) Opportunità E Rischi Delle Just Energy Transition Partnership. Energiea 2, pp. 54-61.) eprint url.
  4. Hoai Son Nguyễn; Nguyễn Xuân Tháng; Minh Ha-Duong (2023-11) Tính kinh tế theo quy mô trong tiêu dùng điện của các hộ gia đình tại Việt Nam. Tạp chí Những vấn đề kinh tế và chính trị thế giới (Journal of issues in world economics and politics) 11(331), pp. 63-73. eprint.
  5. Minh Ha-Duong (2023-06-01) Technology costs for the first wave of wind farms in Vietnam: Paying extra for better wind nearshore. Energy for Sustainable Development 74, pp. 309-313. eprint doi.
  6. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-10) A study on financial mechanisms to develop the power system in Vietnam. PetroVietnam Journal 10/2022, pp. 59–69. eprint doi.
  7. An Ha Truong; Minh Ha-Duong; Hoang Anh Tran (2021-11-19) Economics of co-firing rice straw in coal power plants in Vietnam. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review 154, pp. 12. eprint doi.
  8. Minh Ha-Duong (2021-10-01) On technology transfer and utility scale power storage. IAEE Energy Forum 30, pp. 30-31. eprint url.
  9. Minh Ha-Duong; Hoai Son Nguyễn (2021-07-15) Subjective satisfaction and objective electricity poverty reduction in Vietnam, 2008-2018. Fullbright Review of Economics and Policy 1, pp. 18. eprint doi.
  10. Minh Ha-Duong (2020-01) Stranded assets risk derails Vietnam’s plan for new coal power plants. IAEE Energy Forum 102, pp. 27-29. eprint url.
  11. An Ha Truong; Piera Patrizio; Sylvain Leduc; Florian Kraxner; Minh Ha-Duong (2019-04-01) Reducing emissions of the fast growing Vietnamese coal sector: the chances offered by biomass co-firing. Journal of Cleaner Production 215, pp. 1301-1311. eprint doi.
  12. Hoai Son Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong (2018-01-31) Family size, increasing block tariff and economies of scale of household electricity consumption in Vietnam from 2010 to 2014. External Economics Review / Tạp chí Kinh tế Đối ngoại (renamed Journal of International Economics and Management since 2019) 101, pp. 83-94. eprint url.
  13. Minh Ha-Duong; Hoang Anh Trinh Nguyễn (2017-11) Two Scenarios for Carbon Capture and Storage in Vietnam. Energy Policy 110, pp. 559–569. eprint doi.
  14. Minh Ha-Duong; Lan Anh Nguyễn; Tracey Strange; An Ha Truong (2016) Social acceptability of large infrastructure projects in Vietnam. Field Action Science Reports 14, pp. 72–81. eprint url.
  15. Hoang Anh Trinh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong (2015-12) Low Carbon Scenario for the Power Sector of Vietnam: Externality and Comparison Approach. GMSARN International Journal 9:4, pp. 137–146. eprint url.
  16. Hoang Anh Trinh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong (2015-06) Perspective of CO2 Capture & Storage (CCS) development in Vietnam: Results from expert interviews. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 37, pp. 220–227. eprint doi.
  17. Hong Nam Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong; Laurent Van De Steene (2015) A critical look on rice husk gasification in Cambodia: engineering and sustainability. Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology) 53:3A, pp. 247–252. eprint.
  18. Jeff M. Bielicki; Guillaume Calas; Richard S. Middleton; Minh Ha-Duong (2014-06) National Corridors for Climate Change Mitigation: Managing Industrial CO2 Emissions in France. Greenhouse gases: science and technology 3:4, pp. 262–277. eprint doi.
  19. Minh Ha-Duong; Venance Journé (2014-05) Calculating nuclear accident probabilities from empirical frequencies. Environment Systems and Decisions 34:2, pp. 249–258. eprint doi.
  20. Olivier Boucher; Piers M. Forster; Nicolas Gruber; Minh Ha-Duong; Mark G. Lawrence; Timothy M. Lenton; Achim Maas; Naomi E. Vaughan (2014) Rethinking climate engineering categorization in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation. WIREs Clim Change 5:1, pp. 23–25. eprint doi.
  21. Patrice Dumas; Minh Ha-Duong (2013-04) Optimal growth with adaptation to climate change. Climatic Change 117:4, pp. 691–710. eprint doi.
  22. Marta Benito-Garzón; Minh Ha-Duong; Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste; Juan Fernández-Manjarrés (2013) Habitat restoration and climate change: dealing with climate variability, incomplete data and management decisions with tree translocations. Restoration Ecology 21:5, pp. 530–536. eprint doi.
  23. Marta Benito-Garzón; Minh Ha-Duong; Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste; Juan Fernández-Manjarrés (2013) Extreme Climate Variability Should Be Considered in Forestry-assisted Migration. BioScience 63:5, pp. 317. eprint doi.
  24. Minh Ha-Duong; Rodica Loisel (2011) Actuarial risk assessment of expected fatalities attributable to carbon capture and storage in 2050. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 5, pp. 1346–1358. eprint doi.
  25. Nhan Thanh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong; Thanh C. Tran; Ram M. Shrestha; Franck Nadaud (2010-06) Barriers to the adoption of cleaner and energy efficient technologies in Vietnam. GMSARN International Journal 4:2, pp. 89–104. eprint url.
  26. Nhan Thanh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong; Sandra Greiner; Michael Mehling (2010) Improving the Clean Development Mechanism Post-2012: A Developing Country Perspective. Carbon and Climate Law Review 1:4, pp. 76–85. eprint url.
  27. Minh Ha-Duong; Alain Nadaï; Ana Sofı́a Campos (2009-09) A survey on the public perception of CCS in France. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 3:5, pp. 633–640. eprint doi.
  28. Minh Ha-Duong (2009-06) What is the Price of Carbon? Five definitions. Survey and Perspectives Integrating Environment & Society 2:1. eprint url.
  29. Nhan Thanh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong (2009-05) Economic Potential of Renewable Energy in Vietnam's Power Sector. Energy Policy 37:5, pp. 1601–1613. eprint doi.
  30. Minh Ha-Duong; Rodica Loisel (2009-04) Zero is the only acceptable leakage rate for geologically stored CO2: an editorial comment. Climatic Change 93:3, pp. 311–317. eprint doi.
  31. Rob Swart; Lenny Bernstein; Minh Ha-Duong; Arthur Petersen (2009-01) Agreeing to disagree: Uncertainty management in assessing climate change, impacts and responses by the IPCC. Climatic Change 92:1–2, pp. 1–29. eprint doi.
  32. Minh Ha-Duong (2008-11) Hierarchical fusion of expert opinion in the Transferable Belief Model, application to climate sensitivity. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 49:3, pp. 555–574. eprint doi.
  33. Sebastian Kopf; Minh Ha-Duong; Stéphane Hallegatte (2008-08) Using maps of city analogues to display and interpret climate change scenarios and their uncertainty. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 8:4, pp. 905–918. eprint url.
  34. Minh Ha-Duong; Rob Swart; Lenny Bernstein; Arthur Petersen (2007-02) Uncertainty management in the IPCC: agreeing to disagree. Global Environmental Change 17:1, pp. 8–11. eprint doi.
  35. David W. Keith; Minh Ha-Duong; Joshua K. Stolaroff (2006-01) Climate strategy with CO2 capture from the air. Climatic Change 74:1–3, pp. 17–45. eprint doi.
  36. Brian C. O'Neill; Paul Crutzen; Arnulf Grübler; Minh Ha-Duong; Klaus Keller; Charles Kolstad; Jonathan Koomey; Andreas Lange; Michael Obersteiner; Michael Oppenheimer; William Pepper; Warren Sanderson; Michael Schlesinger; Nicolas Treich; Alistair Ulph; Mort D. Webster; Chris Wilson (2006) Learning and climate change. Climate Policy 6:5, pp. 585–589. eprint.
  37. Minh Ha-Duong; Nicolas Treich (2004-06) Risk aversion, intergenerational equity and climate change. Environmental and Resource Economics 28:2, pp. 195–207. eprint doi.
  38. Minh Ha-Duong; Elizabeth A. Casman; M. Granger Morgan (2004) Bounding poorly characterized risks: a Lung Cancer Example. Risk Analysis 24:5, pp. 1071–1083. eprint doi.
  39. Elizabeth Casman; Minh Ha-Duong; M. Granger Morgan (2004) Response to Sander Greenland's Critique on Bounding Analysis. Risk Analysis 24:5, pp. 1093–1095.
  40. Minh Ha-Duong; David W. Keith (2003-10) Carbon storage: the economic efficiency of storing CO2 in leaky reservoirs. Clean Technology and Environmental Policy 5:2/3, pp. 181–189, Special issue on Technologies for Sustainable Development. eprint doi.
  41. Philippe Ambrosi; Jean-Charles Hourcade; Stéphane Hallegatte; Franck Lecocq; Patrice Dumas; Minh Ha-Duong (2003-09) Optimal control models and elicitation of attitudes towards climate change. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 8:3, pp. 135–147, Special Issue on Modeling the economic response to global climate change. eprint doi.
  42. Minh Ha-Duong; Gérard Mégie; Didier Hauglustaine (2003-04) A pro-active stratospheric ozone protection scenario. Global Environmental Change 13:1, pp. 43–49. eprint doi.
  43. Minh Ha-Duong (2001) Transparency and control in engineering integrated assessment models. Integrated Assessment 2:4, pp. 209–218. eprint doi.
  44. Jean-Charles Hourcade; Minh Ha-Duong; Arnulf Grübler; Richard S. J. Tol (2001) INASUD project findings on Integrated Assessment of Climate Policies. Integrated Assessment 2:1, pp. 31–35. eprint.
  45. Minh Ha-Duong (2000) Perspectives sur le Changement climatique. Natures - Sciences - Sociétés 8:4, pp. 5–14. eprint doi.
  46. Gérard Begni; Minh Ha-Duong; Jean-Pierre Lacaux; E. Lambin; Hervé Le Treut; A. Morel; E. Raschke; B. Saugier; P. Vellinga; A. G. Dekker; H. Van Der Woerd; J. Gupta; S. Zerbini (2000) L'initiative européenne "Suivi global pour l'environnement et la sécurité" et le protocole de Kyoto. Bulletin de la Société Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection 157, pp. 18–35. eprint.
  47. Minh Ha-Duong (2000) Có cần điều tiết nhiễu loạn khí hậu hay không ? [voir techreport: Minh Ha-Duong, 1998-10-09, Faut-il modérer le changement climatique?] Thời đại 4, pp. 144–161.
  48. Minh Ha-Duong (1998) Quasi-Option Value and Climate Policy Choices. Energy Economics 20, pp. 599–620. eprint doi.
  49. Franck Lecocq; Jean-Charles Hourcade; Minh Ha-Duong (1998) Decision making under uncertainty and inertia constraints: sectoral implications of the when flexibility. Energy Economics 20:4/5, pp. 539–555. eprint doi.
  50. Minh Ha-Duong; Jean-Charles Hourcade; Franck Lecocq (1998) Dynamic Consistency Problems behind the Kyoto Protocol. International Journal of Environment and Pollution 11:4, pp. 426–446. eprint.
  51. Minh Ha-Duong; Michael J. Grubb; Jean-Charles Hourcade (1997) Influence of Socioeconomic Inertia and Uncertainty on Optimal CO2-emission abatement. Nature 390, pp. 270–274. eprint doi.
  52. Michael J. Grubb; Thierry Chapuis; Minh Ha-Duong (1995) The economics of changing course: implications of adaptability and inertia for optimal climate policy. Energy Policy 23:4/5, pp. 417–432. eprint doi.

Collective works

  1. Minh Ha-Duong; Dominique Finon (Ed.) (2014-07) La recherche controversée d'énergies 'propres'. Actes électroniques de la seconde journée de dialogue CNRS sur la transition énergétique en France. CIRED. eprint url.
  2. Minh Ha-Duong; Dominique Finon (Ed.) (2014-07) Maîtriser la demande d'énergie, une option consensuelle face à ses obstacles. Actes électroniques de la troisième journée de dialogue CNRS sur la transition énergétique en France. CIRED. eprint url.
  3. Minh Ha-Duong; Dominique Finon (Ed.) (2013-10) Transition énergétique, projets de société et tensions du présent. Actes électroniques de la première journée de dialogue CNRS sur la transition énergétique en France, une cartographie des enjeux et des controverses. CIRED. eprint.
  4. Minh Ha-Duong; Naceur Chaabane (Ed.) (2010-02) Le captage et le stockage du CO2. Enjeux techniques et sociaux en France. Quae Collection Update Sciences & Technologies isbn: 978-2-7592-0369-7. url.

Contributions to collective works

  1. Minh Ha-Duong; Sven Teske; Dimitri Pescia; Mentari Pujantoro. Dat Vu Khoa Huynh; Anh Minh Tang; Dinh Hong Doan; Phil Watson (Ed.) (2021-12-31) Planning, policy and integration for sustainable development of offshore wind energy in Vietnam 2022–2030. Vietnam Symposium on Advances in Offshore Engineering (VSOE2021). Springer Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, pp. 48–66 isbn: 978-981-16-7734-2. eprint url.
  2. Minh Ha-Duong. Alexandre Guay (Ed.) (2018) Commentaires et questions. Les rapports GIEC, corpus de la science du risque climat ? Risque et expertise. 6emes conférences Pierre Duhem. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, chap. 3, pp. 87–94 isbn: 978-2-84867-614-2. eprint doi.
  3. An Ha Truong; Hoang Anh Tran; Minh Ha-Duong (2016) Phân tích chi phí-lợi ích của đồng đốt sinh khối với than: Trường hợp nhà máy nhiệt điện Ninh Bình. CẨM NANG NĂNG LƯỢNG XANH VIỆT NAM. Biomass. Develop & Go green. Vietnam Energy Association, chap. V.D, pp. 70 – 80. eprint.
  4. An Ha Truong; Hoang Anh Tran; Minh Ha-Duong (2016) Socio-economic impacts of co-firing in Vietnam: The case of Ninh Binh Coal Power Plant. Handbook of biomass investment in Vietnam 2016. Vietnam Energy Association, chap. V.D, pp. 70 – 80. eprint.
  5. Minh Ha-Duong; Michèle Gaultier; Benoît de Guillebon; Gilles Mardon (2015-09-15) Community Outreach. Carbon capture and storage - The Lacq pilot. Project and injection period 2006-2013. Published by the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute (GCCSI), edited by Total S.A, chap. 8, pp. 216–241. eprint.
  6. Howard Kunreuther; Shreekant Gupta; Valentina Bosetti; Roger Cooke; Varun Dutt; Minh Ha-Duong; Hermann Held; Juan Llanes-Regueiro; Anthony Patt; Ekundayo Shittu; Elke Weber. Ottmar Edenhofer; Ramón Pichs-Madruga; M. Youba Sokona (Ed.) (2014) Integrated Risk and Uncertainty Assessment of Climate Change Response Policies. Climate change 2014, Mitigation of climate change. Working Group III contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. WMO / UNEP, chap. 2. url.
  7. Alexandre Magnan; Benoît Meyssignac; Claire Waelbroeck; Étienne Berthier; François Gemenne; Gonéri Le Cozannet; Julien Rochette; Laurence Eymard; Laurent Bopp; Minh Ha-Duong; Philippe Goulletquer; Sabine Charmasson; Stéphane Hallegatte; Valérie Masson-Delmotte; Virginie Racape; Yann Lefranc (2012) Varied answers on global energy policy. 150 questions sur l'océan et le climat, En direct avec les scientifiques. Le Pommier, Coédition Universcience isbn: 978-2-7465-0643-5. eprint.
  8. Nhan Thanh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong; Sandra Greiner; Michael Mehling. Mehling; Merrill; Upston-Hooper (Ed.) (2011) Implementing the Clean Development Mechanism in Vietnam: potential and limitations. Improving the Clean Development Mechanism. Options and Challenges Post-2012. Lexxion, Berlin, chap. C.5, pp. 221–246 isbn: 978-3-86965-023-4. eprint url.
  9. Ana Sofı́a Campos; Minh Ha-Duong; Myriam Merad. Minh Ha-Duong; Naceur Chaabane (Ed.) (2010-02) Synthèse de littérature sur l'acceptabilité sociale du captage et du stockage du CO2. Le captage et le stockage du CO2. Enjeux techniques et sociaux en France. Quae Collection Update Sciences & Technologies, chap. 10, pp. 111–132 isbn: 978-2-7592-0369-7. eprint url.
  10. Minh Ha-Duong. Minh Ha-Duong; Naceur Chaabane (Ed.) (2010-02) Risque et perception du public. Le captage et le stockage du CO2. Enjeux techniques et sociaux en France. Quae Collection Update Sciences & Technologies, chap. 4, pp. 33–41 isbn: 978-2-7592-0369-7. eprint url.
  11. Minh Ha-Duong; Naceur Chaabane; Benoît de Guillebon (2010-02) Conclusion. Le captage et le stockage du CO2. Enjeux techniques et sociaux en France. Quae Collection Update Sciences & Technologies, pp. 118–121 isbn: 978-2-7592-0369-7. eprint url.
  12. Minh Ha-Duong; Naceur Chaabane; Benoît de Guillebon (2010-02) Introduction. Le captage et le stockage du CO2. Enjeux techniques et sociaux en France. Quae Collection Update Sciences & Technologies, pp. 3–9 isbn: 978-2-7592-0369-7. eprint url.
  13. Nhan Thanh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong. Michael Rodi (Ed.) (2010) CO2 emissions mitigation potential in Vietnam's power sector. The Paradigm Shift towards Energy Sustainability: Climate Change, Innovation, and the Optimal Instrument Mix. Proceedings of the Summer Academy 'Energy and the Environment' in Greifswald, 20 July–8 August 2008. Lexxion, pp. 127–150 isbn: 978-3-86965-135-4, Best paper prize award.
  14. Philippe Ambrosi; Jean-Charles Hourcade; Stéphane Hallegatte; Franck Lecocq; Patrice Dumas; Minh Ha-Duong. Jerzy A. Filar; Alain Haurie (Ed.) (2009-11-28) Optimal control models and elicitation of attitudes towards climate change. Uncertainty and environmental decision making International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (ISOR), chap. 6, pp. 177-209 isbn: 978-1-4419-1128-5. [Same as: Philippe Ambrosi; Jean-Charles Hourcade; Stéphane Hallegatte; Franck Lecocq; Patrice Dumas; Minh Ha-Duong (2003-09) Optimal control models and elicitation of attitudes towards climate change. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 8:3, pp. 135–147, Special Issue on Modeling the economic response to global climate change. eprint doi.] doi.
  15. Minh Ha-Duong. Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.) (2009) Value of carbon: five definitions. Encyclopedia of Earth. Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment. url.
  16. K. Halsnaes; P. Shukla; Dilip Ahuja; G. Akumu; R. Beale; Jae A. Edmonds; Christian Gollier; Arnulf Grübler; Minh Ha-Duong; Anil Markandya; M. McFarland; E. Nikitina; T. Sugiyama; A. Villavicencio; J. Zou. B. Metz; O.R. Davidson; P.R. Bosch; R. Dave; L.A. Meyer (Ed.) (2007) Framing issues. IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Contribution of the Working Group III. Cambridge University Press, chap. 2. url.
  17. Patrice Dumas; Minh Ha-Duong. Alain Haurie; Laurent Viguier (Ed.) (2005) An abrupt stochastic damage function to analyse climate policy benefits. The coupling of climate and economic dynamics. Essays on Integrated Assessment. Springer Advances in Global Change Research, pp. 97–112 isbn: 1-4020-3424-5. eprint doi.
  18. Minh Ha-Duong; David W. Keith. Subhas K. Sikdar; Ravi Jain; Peter Glavič (Ed.) (2004) Carbon storage: the economic efficiency of storing CO2 in leaky reservoirs. Technological Choices for Sustainability. Springer, pp. 165–182 isbn: 3-540-21131-4.
  19. Minh Ha-Duong; Jean-Charles Hourcade. Antoaneta Yotova (Ed.) (2002) Policy Framework and systems management of global climate change. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. EOLSS Publisher Co, chap. 1.4.7, in Theme `Natural Resource System Challenge II: Climate Change, Human Systems, and Policy', volume on `Global Issues and Sustainable Development'. eprint url.
  20. Minh Ha-Duong. Jürgen Hacker; Arthur Pelchen (Ed.) (1998) Necessities and problems of coupling climate and socioeconomic models for integrated assessments studies from an economist's point of view. Goals and Economic Instruments for the Achievement of Global Warming Mitigation in Europe: Proceedings of the EU Advanced Study Course held in Berlin, Germany, July 1997. Kluwer Academic Publisher, pp. 39–54 isbn: 0792353374. eprint.
  21. Minh Ha-Duong; Pierre Matarasso. Veikko Keränen; Peter Mitic; A. Hietamäki (Ed.) (1997-06-29) An experience with Mathematica in the field of economics of the environment: DIAM. Innovation in Mathematics: Proceedings of the Second International Mathematica Symposium. Computational Mechanics Publication, pp. 515 isbn: 1853125059. eprint.
  22. Michael J. Grubb; Thierry Chapuis; Minh Ha-Duong. N. Nakicenovic; W. D. Nordhaus; R. Richels; F. L. Toth (Ed.) (1994) Optimizing climate change abatement responses: On Inertia and Induced Technology Development. Integrative Assessement of Mitigation, Impacts, and Adaptation to Climate Change. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), pp. 513–534. [Same as: Michael J. Grubb; Thierry Chapuis; Minh Ha-Duong (1995) The economics of changing course: implications of adaptability and inertia for optimal climate policy. Energy Policy 23:4/5, pp. 417–432. eprint doi.]


  1. Minh Ha-Duong (2005-12-07) Modèles de précaution en économie: introduction aux probabilités imprécises. Université de Paris I, Mémoire d'Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches en sciences économiques. eprint.
  2. Minh Ha-Duong (1998-04) Comment tenir compte de l'irréversibilité dans l'évaluation intégrée du changement climatique ? École des hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Thèse de doctorat. eprint.
  3. Minh Ha-Duong (1993) Gestion de la ressource forestière et contrainte d'environnement global. École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Mémoire de DEA.

Scientific communications

  1. Minh Ha-Duong; Christophe Cassen (2023-12-14) Energy Transition: promises and challenges of JETP. Vietnam Symposium in Climate Transition (VSCT 2023), Danang. eprint.
  2. Minh Ha-Duong (2023-07-26) Implementing a Just Energy Transition. Fourteenth Vietnam Economist Annual Meeting (VEAM 2023), Danang. eprint.
  3. Minh Ha-Duong (2023-07-07) Sur la collaboration internationale pour la transition énergétique du Vietnam. Colloque ICISE "Les défis environnementaux et les solutions pour y faire face", Quy Nhon. eprint.
  4. Minh Ha-Duong (2023-04-04) A new North-South climate cooperation mechanism: Just Energy Transitions Partnerships (JETP). CIRED Seminar, Paris, France. eprint.
  5. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-11-16) Views on green hydrogen, from a middle income country. COP27 side event on Green hydrogen: how to reconcile North/South stakes in the development of the future market, Sharm El Sheikh. eprint.
  6. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-11-15) Vietnam to build 17 GW of offshore wind by 2035 with international support from the Global Offshore Wind Alliance (GOWA). COP27 energy action event: Game Changers Accelerating the Global Energy Transition, Sharm El Sheikh. eprint.
  7. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-10-24) Planning, policy and integration for sustainable development of offshore wind energy in Vietnam 2022–2050. International Conference on Environment, Earth Science and Sustainability (ICES) joint with the Second Vietnam Symposium on Advances in Offshore Engineering (VSOE), Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam, Invited keynote opening talk. eprint.
  8. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-09-07) Vietnam's Energy Landscape in September 2022. Vietnam Energy Forum opening press conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Invited keynote opening talk. eprint.
  9. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-01-08) Lời chào từ năm 2030: những hình ảnh về một lối sống ít phát thải carbon (Best greetings from 2030: snapshots from a low carbon lifestyle). Student Forum. Sustainable Energy, School of Electrical Engineering, Bach Khoa University, Hanoï, Vietnam. eprint url.
  10. Phuong H. Nguyen; Van Nguyen Dinh; Hoang Anh Nguyen Trinh; To Nhien Ngo; An Ha Truong; Minh Ha-Duong. Dat Vu Khoa Huynh; Anh Minh Tang; Dinh Hong Doan; Phil Watson (Ed.) (2021-12-31) Options for zonation and grid integration of offshore wind in Vietnam. Vietnam Symposium on Advances in Offshore Engineering (VSOE2021) Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. eprint url.
  11. Minh Ha-Duong (2021-12-08) Planning, policy and integration for sustainable development of wind energy in Vietnam 2022–2030. 4th Vietnam Onshore and Offshore Wind Summit, Hanoï. eprint.
  12. Minh Ha-Duong (2021-12-02) Wind energy development in Vietnam: the policy risk. 4th Vietnam Wind Power Conference, Hanoï. eprint url.
  13. Minh Ha-Duong; Hoai Son Nguyễn (2021-06-07) Electricity poverty reduction and progress towards the sustainable development goal 7: Vietnam, 2008-2018. IAEE International Online Conference, session 47, Online. eprint url.
  14. Minh Ha-Duong (2019-11-05) Adoption of renewable energies, solar in the city and the efficiency of the use of energy. Buildings with Renewable Energy for Vietnam to Empower Sustainability research workshop, Hanoï, Vietnam. eprint.
  15. Minh Ha-Duong (2019-10-30) Options for wind power in Vietnam by 2030. Vietnam Onshore and Offshore Wind Summit (VOOWS 2019), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. eprint url.
  16. Minh Ha-Duong (2019-10-14) Options for wind power in Vietnam by 2030. CIRED Seminar, Paris, France. eprint.
  17. Minh Ha-Duong (2019-09-19) VIET: why, who, what? Activities overview for year one. VIET Launching Event, Hanoi. eprint.
  18. Nguyen Hoai-Son; Minh Ha-Duong (2019-06-18) Income and electricity poverty in Vietnam 2012-2016. The 11th Vietnam Economists Annual Meeting (VEAM 2019), Da Lat. eprint.
  19. An Ha Truong; Minh Ha-Duong (2019-06-18) Costs and benefits of co-firing rice straw in two Vietnamese coal power plants. The 11th Vietnam Economists Annual Meeting (VEAM 2019), Da Lat. eprint.
  20. Hoang Anh Tran; Hoang Anh Nguyen Trinh; Minh Ha-Duong (2019-06-18) A critical review of energy scenarios in Vietnam: Low-carbon options and policy implications. The 11th Vietnam Economists Annual Meeting (VEAM 2019), Da Lat. eprint.
  21. Hoai-Son Nguyen; Minh Ha-Duong; Nguyen Trinh Hoang Anh (2019-05-24) Price elasticity of residential electricity demand in Vietnam 2012-16. The 7th International Symposium on Environment and Energy Finance Issues (ISEFI-2019), Paris. eprint.
  22. Minh Ha-Duong; Nguyen Trinh Hoang Anh (2019-01-18) Insights on Vietnam’s Energy Transition in the Power Sector and international cooperation. Vietnam Sustainability Forum 2019 - Policy workshop, Hanoï, Vietnam. eprint.
  23. Minh Ha-Duong; Nguyen Trinh Hoang Anh (2019-01-17) Seven Insights for Vietnam’s Energy Transition in the Power Sector. Vietnam Sustainability Forum 2019 - Academic conference, Hanoï, Vietnam, Invited keynote talk. eprint url.
  24. Minh Ha-Duong; Nguyen Xuan Truong (2018-11-08) Clean Energy and Sustainable Development in Vietnam. Solar and Energy Storage World 2018, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Invited keynote opening talk. eprint.
  25. An Ha Truong; Minh Ha-Duong (2018-06) Impact of Co-firing Straw for Power Generation to Air Quality: A Case Study in Two Coal Power Plants in Vietnam. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. eprint doi.
  26. Hong Nam Nguyen; Laurent Van De Steene; Thi Thuy Hang Le; Duc Dung Le; Minh Ha-Duong (2018-06) Rice Husk Gasification: from Industry to Laboratory. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. eprint doi.
  27. Minh Ha-Duong; Leslie Mabon; Wan-Yu Shih; Yuriko Hayabuchi; Hoai Son Nguyễn; Tzu-Wen Lo; Yu-Cheng Chen; Tzu-Ping Lin (2017-09-19) Assessing energy precarity and heat-related health risks from climate change in Asian cities. Cities and climate conference 2017, Potsdam. eprint.
  28. Minh Ha-Duong; Hoai Son Nguyễn (2017-08-01) Is electricity affordable and reliable for all in Vietnam? The tenth Vietnam Economist Annual Meeting - VEAM 2017, Ho Chi Minh City Banking University. eprint url.
  29. Minh Ha-Duong; Hoang Anh Trinh Nguyễn (2017-06-18) Two Scenarios for Carbon Capture and Storage in Vietnam. 40th IAEE International Conference, Singapore. eprint url.
  30. Minh Ha-Duong (2016-11-15) Nguồn điện năng đáng tin cậy với chi phí hợp lí cho tất cả mọi ở Việt Nam. Tuần lễ năng lượng tái tạo tại Việt Nam năm 2016, Cần Thơ and Hà Nội.
  31. Minh Ha-Duong (2016-11-15) Affordable and reliable power for all in Vietnam. Renewable Energy Week in Vietnam 2016, Can Tho and Hanoï.
  32. Hoang Anh Trinh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong; Nguyễn Thanh Nhan (2015-12-17) Perspective of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) development in Vietnam: Results from expert interviews. Clean Energy in Vietnam after COP21 workshop, Hanoi, Vietnam. url.
  33. Hong Nam Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong; Laurent Van De Steene (2015-07-28) A critical look on rice husk gasification in Cambodia: engineering and sustainability. International Forum on Green Technology and Management 2015 (IFGTM 2015), Hue, Vietnam.
  34. Minh Ha-Duong (2015-06-10) The challenges of Climate Change and the COP21: ambition and aims. Climate change forum: Favouring a green economy and sustainable urban development, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Invited opening keynote. eprint.
  35. Minh Ha-Duong (2015-03-30) Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. CleanED-IES joint research seminar, Hanoï, Vietnam. eprint.
  36. Hong Nam Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong (2015-02-27) A critical look on rice husk gasification in Cambodia: engineering and sustainability. 2nd European TA Conference: The Next Horizon of Technology Assessment, Berlin, Germany. eprint url.
  37. Minh Ha-Duong; Ankur Shah Delight (2014-10-23) Assisted migration to adapt forests to climate change, is uncertainty too deep to decide? LEF Biennial Workshop: Economics of carbon, climate change and forest. eprint url.
  38. Minh Ha-Duong (2013-10-22) Le CSC à grande échelle, une option réaliste ? État des lieux et des controverses. La recherche controversée d'énergies 'propres', Seconde journée de dialogue CNRS sur la transition énergétique en France, une cartographie des enjeux et des controverses. Paris, France. url.
  39. Minh Ha-Duong; Rodical Loisel (2013-08) Actuarial assessment of fatalities attributable to CCS in 2050. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-11), 19–22 november 2011, Kyoto, Japan Energy Procedia. doi url.
  40. Gilles Mardon; Minh Ha-Duong (2013-07-11) L'expérimentation du CSC à Lacq vue par le journal quotidien régional 'Sud Ouest'. CIRED research seminar, Nogent sur Marne, France.
  41. Marta Benito Garzón; Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste; Minh Ha-Duong; Juan Fernandez-Manjarres (2013-03-19) Forest assisted migration and decision making under climate change. European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA), Integrating Climate into Action, University of Hamburg, Germany, Link is to my opening remarks as session chair and organizer. url.
  42. Minh Ha-Duong (2013-01-18) Discussion of risk policy and the integrity of science: Using IPCC to stress test the corpus model. Conférences Duhem, VI. Risque et expertise, Paris. url.
  43. Minh Ha-Duong (2013-01-10) Eléments économiques sur la géo-ingénierie de l'environnement. Système Terre, Monde Social - Environnement et SHS, questions émergentes et approches réflexives. Journées de prospective InSHS, IPHST, Paris. eprint.
  44. Minh Ha-Duong; Alain Nadai (2012-11-20) Eléments économiques sur la géo-ingénierie de l'environnement. Réflexion systémique sur les enjeux et méthodes de géo-ingénierie de l'environnement. Réunion de lancement de l'Atelier de Réflexion Prospective REAGIR, Paris. url.
  45. Minh Ha-Duong (2012-06-13) Pratique de gestion de l'incertitude au GIEC. Colloque GIS-Climat 'Incertitudes et adaptation au changement climatique', CNRS, Meudon. url.
  46. Venance Journé; Minh Ha-Duong (2011-10-27) Modélisation des accidents nucléaires civils : Prévision à l'horizon 2030. CIRED research seminar, Nogent sur Marne, France.
  47. Minh Ha-Duong; Thanh Nhan Nguyễn (2011-10-24) Energy production and climate change mitigation in Vietnam. CIRED International seminar on climate change and electricity production in Vietnam, Nogent sur Marne, France.
  48. Julien Lémond; Serge Planton; Minh Ha-Duong; Philippe Dandin (2011-09-12) Interpretation of climate change in France using city analogues in the DRIAS climate services project. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 8, 11th EMS / 10th ECAM, European Meteorological Society, Berlin. url.
  49. Minh Ha-Duong (2011-07-21) Uncertainty management in the IPCC. 14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Climate science and climate change: Epistemological and methodological issues, Société de Philosophie des Sciences, Nancy, France. url.
  50. Minh Ha-Duong (2011-05-30) Modeling air capture. International Workshop on Modeling and Policy of CO2 Removal from the Atmosphere, Venice, Italy.
  51. Minh Ha-Duong (2011-04-07) Injection et stockage du CO2: risque objectif et risque acceptable. Risk Assessment and Management in Capture, Transport and Storage of CO2 activities: methods, experiences and perspectives, ISEL, Le Havre, France.
  52. Minh Ha-Duong; Michèle Gaultier; Benoît de Guillebon. John Gale; Chris Hendriks; Wim Turkenberg (Ed.) (2010-09-19) Social aspects of Total's Lacq CO2 capture, transport and storage pilot project. 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-10), Amsterdam, NL Energy Procedia. eprint doi url.
  53. Minh Ha-Duong (2010-08-14) Climate and energy security in Vietnam, the world is changing. First ALOV conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Invited speaker. Extraits diffusés sur VTV 4 le 2/10/2010.
  54. Minh Ha-Duong (2010-05-25) Remarques sur l'insertion sociale de la technologie Captage et Stockage du CO2 en France. Journée de travail de la chaire CTSC: La zone portuaire du Havre, pionnière de la gestion industrielle du CO2 en France ?, ISEL, Le Havre, France.
  55. Minh Ha-Duong (2010-05-19) Public engagement in the Lacq area. FENCO workshop: CCS and public engagement, when science meets reality, Amsterdam.
  56. Minh Ha-Duong; Rodica Loisel (2010-04-29) Expected fatalities for one wedge of CCS mitigation. Actuarial risk assessment of carbon capture and storage et the global scale in 2050. CIRED research seminar, Nogent sur Marne, France.
  57. Nhan Thanh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong; Thanh C. Tran; Ram M. Shrestha; Franck Nadaud (2009-11-25) Barriers to the adoption of cleaner and energy efficient technologies in Vietnam. The Fourth GMSARN International Conference: Energy security and climate change problems and issues in GMS, Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network, Ha Long, Vietnam. url.
  58. Nhan Thanh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong (2009-11-25) Clean Development Mechanism in Vietnam: potential and limitations. The Fourth GMSARN International Conference: Energy security and climate change problems and issues in GMS, Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network, Ha Long, Vietnam. url.
  59. Nhan Thanh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong (2009-11-25) CO2 emissions mitigation potential in Vietnam's power sector. The Fourth GMSARN International Conference: Energy security and climate change problems and issues in GMS, Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network, Ha Long, Vietnam. eprint url.
  60. Minh Ha-Duong (2009-11-02) Social aspects of carbon capture, transport and storage: Total's Lacq project. First Meeting of the IEA GHG Social Research Network, CIRED, Campus du Jardin Tropical de Paris. url.
  61. Minh Ha-Duong (2009-09-17) A hierarchical fusion of expert opinion in the Transferable Belief Model (TBM). Conference on ambiguity, uncertainty, and climate change, UC Berkeley.
  62. Minh Ha-Duong (2009-09-17) Scenarios, probability and possible futures. Conference on ambiguity, uncertainty, and climate change, UC Berkeley.
  63. Minh Ha-Duong (2009-06-16) Zero is the only CCS acceptable leakage rate. 5th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage, Norway.
  64. Minh Ha-Duong (2009-06-11) SOCECO2, Économie et Sociologie de la filière capture et stockage géologique du CO2. Séminaire d'avancement des projets ANR, Programme captage et stockage du CO2, Rueil-Malmaison.
  65. Minh Ha-Duong (2009-05-19) Aspects de la précaution en théorie de la décision rationnelle: choix révisables, imprécision, incomplétude et controverses. Et si la précaution n'était pas qu'un principe ? Le principe de précaution et les normes, Université de Paris Diderot - Paris 7. url.
  66. Paula Coussy; Minh Ha-Duong (2009-04-09) Carbon capture and storage and international negociations. Recent advances in CCS economics and sociology, Technopole Helioparc, Pau, France.
  67. Minh Ha-Duong (2009-04-09) Views on CCS risks acceptability. Recent advances in CCS economics and sociology, Technopole Helioparc, Pau, France.
  68. Rémy Tello; Frédéric Ghersi; Minh Ha-Duong (2009-04-09) Carbon capture and storage versus renewables, macroeconomic comparisons. Recent advances in CCS economics and sociology, Technopole Helioparc, Pau, France.
  69. Didier Bonijoly; Minh Ha-Duong; Aurélien Leynet; Alain Bonneville; Daniel Broseta; Aude Fradet; Yves Le Gallo; G. Munier; B. Nédelec; V. Lagneau (2009) METSTOR: a GIS to look for potential storage zones in France. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-9), 16–20 November 2008, Washington DC, USA Energy Procedia. eprint doi url.
  70. Minh Ha-Duong; Alain Nadaï; Ana Sofı́a Campos (2009) A survey on the public perception of CCS in France. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-9), 16–20 November 2008, Washington DC, USA Energy Procedia. doi url.
  71. Minh Ha-Duong (2008-12-01) Sensibilité climatique et fusion d'experts. Rencontres 'Philosophie et Décisions sur le Changement Climatique et l'Environnement', La Baume, Aix en Provence.
  72. Minh Ha-Duong; Nhan Thanh Nguyễn (2008-11-28) CO2 emissions mitigation potential in Vietnam's power sector. ANR Meeting Sustainable Development: Demographic, Energy and Inter-generational Aspects, Strasbourg.
  73. Minh Ha-Duong (2008-10-02) Using maps of city analogues to display climate change scenarios and their uncertainty. Atelier 'Changement climatique, sommes nous à un tournant ?', Gif-sur-Yvette.
  74. Minh Ha-Duong. Didier Dubois; M. Asunción Lubiano; Henri Prade; Marı́a ángeles Gil; Przemyslaw Grzegorzewski; Olgierd Hryniewicz (Ed.) (2008-09-08) A hierarchical fusion of expert opinion in the TBM. SMPS'08 - Soft Methods for Handling Variability and Imprecision Advances in Soft Computing, Toulouse, Shorter version of the hierarchical fusion paper published in IJAR.
  75. Minh Ha-Duong (2008-06-22) A hierarchical fusion of expert opinion in the TBM. IPMU 08. Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, 12th Intl Conference, Málaga, Spain, Shorter version of the hierarchical fusion paper published in IJAR. url.
  76. Minh Ha-Duong (2008-06-16) Fusion des opinions d'expert en situation de controverse. Séminaire du RTP M3D Mathématiques et décision pour le développement durable, Paris.
  77. Minh Ha-Duong; Patrice Dumas (2008-06-09) Optimal growth with adaptation to climate change. AFSE Thematic Meeting 'Frontiers in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Management', LERNA and IDEI, Toulouse, France.
  78. Sebastian Kopf; Minh Ha-Duong; Stéphane Hallegatte (2008-03-21) Using maps of city analogues to display climate change scenarios and their uncertainty. Berlin conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Berlin.
  79. Minh Ha-Duong (2008-01-30) La gestion de l'incertitude au GIEC. Workshop Philosophie et Développement Durable, Aix en Provence, France.
  80. Minh Ha-Duong (2008-01-17) Symmetric and hierarchical fusion of expert opinion in the Transferable Belief Model, application on a climate sensitivity dataset. CIRED research seminar, Nogent sur Marne, France.
  81. Minh Ha-Duong (2008-01-15) CCS communication actions and research in France. 4th FENCO-ERA Workshop jointly with ETP ZEP TF Communication, Lisboa, Portugal.
  82. Minh Ha-Duong (2007-12-12) Une étude sur les perceptions sociales du captage et du stockage du CO2. Séminaire Captage et Stockage du CO2Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), Pau.
  83. Minh Ha-Duong (2007-09-27) Carbon Capture and Storage: socio-economic remarks. Anglo-French scientific seminarAmbassade de France, Imperial College, London.
  84. Minh Ha-Duong; Ana Sofı́a Campos (2007-09-19) C2S2R advances in France. Carbon Capture and Storage Social Research Network (C2S2RN) Meeting, Banff. url.
  85. Minh Ha-Duong (2007-04-27) Stockage géologique du CO2 en France: Connaissance commune sur l'acceptabilité et Primeur sondage TNS SOFRES-CIRED. Atelier de dialogue sur l'acceptabilité sociale du captage et stockage du CO2, CIRED/APESA, Nogent sur Marne, France.
  86. Minh Ha-Duong; Ana Sofı́a Campos (2007-03-14) Remarques socio-économiques sur la léthalité du CO2 et réaction citoyenne au concept de séquestration / stockage géologique. Colloque NABILE 3 (Nouvelles Approches, Besoins et Innovations pour Limiter les Émissions de CO2), ENSIC, Nancy.
  87. Minh Ha-Duong (2006-12-12) Fusion of experts' opinions with the Transferable Belief Model: application to climate sensitivity. Séminaire de recherche ASTRID, Université Technologique de Compiègne.
  88. Minh Ha-Duong (2006-05-05) Challenges in decision making: Risk, uncertainty and time. EPA Conference on Probabilistic Integrated Assessment Modeling, EPA, Washington, DC. eprint.
  89. Patrice Dumas; Minh Ha-Duong (2006-04-10) Learning as combining imprecise evidence. Conference on Learning and Climate Change, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
  90. Minh Ha-Duong (2005-10-09) Human Dimensions of climate change related risks and uncertainty. 6th Open Meeting of the HDGC (Human Dimensions of Global Change) Research Community, Jointly organized by IHDP, IIASA, CIESIN, UN University, University of Bonn and IGES, University of Bonn, Germany.
  91. Minh Ha-Duong (2005-04-11) Remarques sur les coûts et bénéfices du stockage du carbone. École Interdisciplinaire sur la Recherche en Sciences Sociales pour l'Environnement, CNRS, Cargèse.
  92. Minh Ha-Duong; M. Granger Morgan; Elizabeth Casman. Jean-Marc Bernard; Teddy Seidenfeld; Marco Zaffalon (Ed.) (2003-07-14) Bounding analysis of lung cancer risk using imprecise probabilities. ISIPTA '03: Third International Symposium on Imprecise Probability and their Applications, Lugano University, University of Lugano, Switzerland. url.
  93. Minh Ha-Duong (2003-06-27) CO2 Sequestration: Normative Economics of Leakage. Twelfth Annual Conference of the EAERE, EAERE, Bilbao, Portugal, Session 4C.
  94. Minh Ha-Duong (2003-06-24) Imprecise Probability Bridge Scenario-Forecast Gap. Annual Meeting of the International Energy Workshop, Jointly organized by EMF/IEA/IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
  95. Minh Ha-Duong; David W. Keith (2002-10-13) Climate strategy with CO2 capture from the air. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Technological Choices for Sustainability, Piramida Hotel, Maribor, Slovenia.
  96. Minh Ha-Duong (2002-06-21) Uncertainty theory and complex system scenario analysis. Computational and Mathematical Organisation Theory Conference - CASOS 2002, CASOS, Pittsburgh, PA.
  97. Minh Ha-Duong; David W. Keith (2001-12-10) Climate Strategy with CO2 capture from the air. AGU Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco.
  98. Minh Ha-Duong; Patrice Dumas (2001-07-10) Nonlinearity and uncertain climate impacts. Challenges of a Changing Earth – Global Change Open Science Conference, IGBP-IHCP-WCRP, Amsterdam.
  99. Minh Ha-Duong; Patrice Dumas (2001-06-15) Nonlinearity and uncertain climate impacts. EMF/IEW conference, IIASA, Vienna.
  100. Minh Ha-Duong; Didier Hauglustaine; Gérard Mégie (2000-09-27) Modélisation intégrée et précaution: les leçons du dossier Ozone. Séminaire GICC-MATE, Toulouse, France, By invitation.
  101. Minh Ha-Duong (1999-10) Approche Économique de la gestion de l'incertitude. École thématique du CNRS: Incertitudes et décisions, le cas du changement climatique, Les Houches, France.
  102. Minh Ha-Duong; Nicolas Treich (1999-06-25) Uncertainty and intergenerational equity in the global warming problem: recursive preferences approach. Ninth Annual Conference of the EAERE, EAERE, Oslo, Norway.
  103. Minh Ha-Duong (1998-06-25) Quasi-option value theory and the expected value of future information, illustrated by the Climate Change Issue. First World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, EAERE, AERE, Venice, Italy.
  104. Minh Ha-Duong (1998-06-17) Option Value and Climate Change: Theoretical Elements for an Empirical Example. Joint Meeting of IEW and EMF, EMF (Energy Modelling Forum).
  105. Jean-Charles Hourcade; Franck Lecocq; Minh Ha-Duong (1997-05-12) Optimization models within a sequential decision making framework: a tool for hierarchizing uncertainties. Optimization Days, GERAD, Montreal, Published in Inasud Interim Report.
  106. Jean-Charles Hourcade; Minh Ha-Duong. A. Sors; Angela Liberatore; S. Funtowicz; J.-C. Hourcade; J.-C. Felous (Ed.) (1996-10-24) Uncertainties, Induced Technical Change and Timing of Actions. Prospects for Integrated Environmental Assessment: Lessons Learnt from the Case of Climate Change, European Commission, DG XII.
  107. Thierry Chapuis; Minh Ha-Duong. François (coordinateur) Blasco (Ed.) (1996-01) DIAM: Un Modèle Dynamique pour Etudier l'Inertie et l'Adaptabilité dans le Problème de l'Effet de Serre. Tendances Nouvelles en Modélisation pour l'Environnement, CNRS.
  108. Thierry Chapuis; Minh Ha-Duong; Michael J. Grubb. R. Chen; D. Tuttle; C. Linville (Ed.) (1995-10-15) The issue of Inertia and Adaptability in Integrated Assessment: an analysis using DIAM. Integrated assessment of Global Environmental Change: Science and Policy, NATO Advanced Research Workshop.
  109. Thierry Chapuis; Minh Ha-Duong; Michael J. Grubb (1995-06-20) The GreenHouse Cost model: an exploration of the implications for climate policy of inertia and adaptability in energy system. International Energy Workshop, IIASA (International Institute of Applied System Analysis).

Posters and popular science

  1. Minh Ha-Duong (2024-07-22) Book Review for: Compassion - Tình Thương. eprint.
  2. Minh Ha-Duong (2024-07-20) Hệ thống Pin lưu trữ điện năng: Nút thắt cho năng lượng tái tạo ? [Battery Electricity Storage Systems, the energy sector’s next big tech.] Tia Sáng 14, pp. 19–24. eprint. url.
  3. Minh Ha-Duong (2024-05-20) Giá điện hai thành phần: Watts cũng quan trọng như Joules. [Power is not energy, Watts are as valuable as Joules.] Tia Sáng 10, pp. 11–14. (Reprinted as: Minh Ha-Duong (2024-06-14) Giá điện hai thành phần: Watts cũng quan trọng như Joules. Tạp chí năng lượng Việt Nam online. url.) eprint. url.
  4. Minh Ha-Duong (2024-04-23) Challenges and opportunities facing Vietnam in the implementation of Power Development Plan VIII. Vietnamese translation published in Forbes Vietnam 129.
  5. Minh Ha-Duong. Hảo Linh (Trad.) (2024-04-20) Việt Nam hình mẫu phát triển xanh? [Vietnam a model of green development?] Tia Sáng 8, pp. 24–26. eprint. url.
  6. Minh Ha-Duong (2024-04-12) Contribution to the Seminar "Compassion the key to Global issues". World Alliances Journal. eprint url.
  7. Minh Ha-Duong. Anh Nhi (Trad.) (2024-03-25) Việt Nam có thể trở thành hình mẫu trong phát triển bền vững. [Vietnam's Way To Global Leadership in Sustainable Energy.] Interview in Kinh tế Việt Nam 13(6301) pp. 23–25. eprint. url.
  8. Minh Ha-Duong. Thái An; Tuấn Anh (Trad.) (2024-03-23) Ba chiến lược để Việt Nam xây dựng nền kinh tế xanh thịnh vượng. [Vietnam's Way To Global Leadership in Sustainable Energy.] Interview in Vietnamnet eMagazine. eprint. url.
  9. Minh Ha-Duong (2023-05-29) Vietnam’s Power Development Plan 8: A bold step towards a net-zero future. Mekong Eye online. eprint url.
  10. Minh Ha-Duong. Mỹ Hạnh (Trad.) (2023-05-05) Chống lại tạp chí “săn mồi”: Cuộc chiến dai dẳng. [Against predatory publishing: the IAP report results.] Tia Sáng 9, pp. 28–31. eprint. url.
  11. Minh Ha-Duong. Hào Linh (Trad.) (2023-01-10) Truy cập mở: Giấc mơ lãng mạn ? [Ideas for open access to science in Vietnam: no APC.] Tia Sáng 1+2, pp. 34–39. eprint. url.
  12. Minh Ha-Duong. Hào Linh; Tho Duong (Trad.) (2022-08-26) Chuyển đổi điện năng của Việt Nam. Ai sẽ chi trả? (Kỳ cuối). [Who will pay for Vietnam’s energy transition in years of climate, energy, and health crisis?] Tia Sáng 14, pp. 14–18. eprint. url.
  13. Minh Ha-Duong. Hào Linh; Tho Duong (Trad.) (2022-07-05) Chuyển đổi điện năng của Việt Nam. Ai sẽ chi trả? (Kỳ 1). [Who will pay for Vietnam’s energy transition in years of climate, energy, and health crisis?] Tia Sáng 13, pp. 8–11. eprint. url.
  14. Minh Ha-Duong. An Ha Truong (Trad.) (2022-01-20) Lời chào từ năm 2030: những hình ảnh về một lối sống ít phát thải carbon. [Best greetings from 2030: snapshots from a low carbon lifestyle.] Tia Sáng 2+3, pp. 47–49. eprint. url.
  15. Minh Ha-Duong (2021-12-05) COP26: Việt Nam hướng tới mục tiêu trung hòa carbon vào năm 2050. [COP26: Vietnam carbon neutral in 2050.] Tia Sáng 23, pp. 10–12. eprint. url.
  16. Minh Ha-Duong (2021-10-19) Kế hoạch giám sát phát thải CO2: Thị trường mua bán carbon của Việt Nam? [In defence of MONRE’s CO2 emissions monitoring plans.] Tia Sáng. eprint. url.
  17. Minh Ha-Duong (2021-08-24) Biến đổi khí hậu: Nhanh, rộng, mạnh và khó lường. [IPCC : Recent changes in the climate are widespread, rapid, and intensifying, and unprecedented in thousands of years.] Tia Sáng 16, pp. 8–10. eprint. url.
  18. Minh Ha-Duong. Hào Linh (Trad.) (2021-05-16) Việt Nam trong hội nghị thượng đỉnh về biến đổi khí hậu: Hãy bắt tay vào thực hiện. [Leaders Summit on Climate: Countries to halve GHG emissions by 2030. Vietnam’s net CO2 emissions can stop increasing by then.] Tia Sáng. eprint. url.
  19. Minh Ha-Duong (2021-03-25) Quy hoạch điện 8: Ưu tiên gì để không phải chịu hệ quả đắt giá? [voir techreport: Minh Ha-Duong, 2021-03, Decentralized renewable energy broke Vietnam's power planning logic.] Tia Sáng 6, pp. 8–12. url.
  20. Hoai Son Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong (2018-06-18) Phát triển công nghiệp tua-bin gió nội địa: Con đường nào cho Việt Nam? Bản tin Chính sách 26, pp. 38–42. (Reprinted as: Hoai Son Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong (2018-06-26) Phát triển công nghiệp tua-bin gió nội địa: Con đường nào cho Việt Nam? Tạp chí Năng lượng Việt Nam online. url.) eprint url.
  21. Minh Ha-Duong (2017-10) Le droit à l'énergie: dangereuse chimère ou juste exigence ? Progressistes (Magazine scientifique du PCF), N. 18, pp. 7–13. eprint url.
  22. Minh Ha-Duong (2016-02-12) Rest in peace Moped, electric scooters are there. Posted on OECD Insight blog. eprint.
  23. Nguyễn Trinh Hoang Anh; Minh Ha-Duong (2015-07) Costs and Benefits of a Greener Alternative for the Development of Vietnam's power sector. Poster displayed at the Our Common Future under Climate Change (CFCC) conference, Paris, France. eprint url.
  24. Dominique Finon; Jean-Charles Hourcade; Minh Ha-Duong (2013-11) Une initiative de dialogue scientifique sur la transition énergétique. La Lettre de l'InSHS 26, pp. 14–15. url.
  25. Minh Ha-Duong; Jean-Charles Hourcade; Dominique Finon (2013-07) La transition énergétique face aux tensions du présent: compte rendu d'une journée de dialogue au CNRS. ÉNeRgie & Développement Durable / Maison Chaleur Bio Magazine 42, pp. 44-47.
  26. Minh Ha-Duong (2012-12) La transition énergétique dans l'habitat en France. Vie de la Recherche Scientifique 391, pp. 31. url.
  27. Minh Ha-Duong (2012-06) Le toit blanc ça rafraîchit. Énergie & Développement Durable Magazine 38, pp. 4–5.
  28. Guillaume Calas; Jeff M. Bielicki; Minh Ha-Duong; Richard S. Middleton (2011-06-14) Simulated CO2 pipeline networks for CCS in France. Poster displayed at the 6th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS6), Trondheim, Norway. eprint.
  29. Minh Ha-Duong; Éliane Daphy (2010-08) Archives ouvertes, le savoir scientifique est-il en accès libre ? La Vie de la Recherche Scientifique 382. eprint url.
  30. Gilles Mardon; Minh Ha-Duong (2010-06) Point sur la perception du Captage et Stockage du Carbone en France. Dossier pour le Journal de la chaire CTSC 2, pp. 3–4. eprint.
  31. Minh Ha-Duong (2009-11-19) SOCECO2. Économie et sociologie de la filière capture et stockage géologique du CO2. Affiche pour le colloque ANR 'Quelle recherche pour les énergies du futur ?', Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, Paris. eprint url.
  32. Minh Ha-Duong; Naceur Chaabane (2009-07) Conclusions principales du projet SOCECO2 sur l'économie et la sociologie du captage et du stockage du CO2. Énergie & Développement Durable Magazine 26 26, pp. 25, PDF reprint with authorisation by the publisher received by Naceur on 2011-06-23.
  33. Minh Ha-Duong; Rodica Loisel (2009-03-10) Expected fatalities for one wedge of CCS mitigation. Poster displayed at the IARU conference, 'Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions', Copenhaguen, Denmark. eprint.
  34. Benoît de Guillebon; Minh Ha-Duong (2007-07) Captage et stockage du CO2: Quels enjeux en France ? Environnement & Technique 268, pp. 36–39. eprint url.
  35. Minh Ha-Duong; Éliane Daphy (2007-06-18) Qui archive qui ? Poster présenté aux Rencontres des professionnels de l'IST, 5e édition, Nancy, France.
  36. Minh Ha-Duong; Éliane Daphy (2007-04-18) Who archives who ? Poster displayed at the OAI5 Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications, CERN, Geneva. url.
  37. Sebastian Kopf; Minh Ha-Duong; Stéphane Hallegatte (2007-04-15) Using analogues to assess uncertainty in urban area climate relocation. Poster displayed at the European Geosciences Union general assembly, session CL-19. Awarded YSOPP-CL, Vienna, Austria. url.
  38. Sebastian Kopf; Stéphane Hallegatte; Minh Ha-Duong (2007-01) L'évolution climatique des villes européennes. Dossier Pour la Science. Climat: Comment éviter la surchauffe ? 54, pp. 48–51. eprint url.
  39. Minh Ha-Duong; Jean-Charles Hourcade (2007) Faut-il agir aujourd'hui face au changement climatique ? L'apport des modèles intégrés. Dossier Recherche de l'École des Ponts 10. url.
  40. Minh Ha-Duong; Pierre Matarasso (2006-07) Comment intégrer l'économie, l'énergie et le climat. Dossier Pour la Science 'La modélisation informatique, exploration du réel' 52, pp. 92–97. (Reprinted as: Minh Ha-Duong; Pierre Matarasso (2006-12-19) Comment intégrer l'économie, l'énergie et le climat. Interstices, rubrique 'Environnement & Planète', Inria. eprint url.) eprint url.
  41. Minh Ha-Duong (2006-01) SPIP dans la recherche : la gestion avec RSS des listes de publications déposées au Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSD/HAL). SPIP Mag. eprint.
  42. Wikipedia contributors (2006) Possibility theory. Wikipedia, Online; accessed 20-November-2006. url.
  43. Minh Ha-Duong; Stéphane Hallegatte (2004-02-01) Explorer les changements climatiques futurs. La méthode des scénarios cohérents. Affiche pour le Forum de l'ASTS, Mairie du 19e, Paris.

Teaching and conferences

  1. Minh Ha-Duong (2024-04-18) Compassion and global issues: a scientist’s perspective. Invited keynote to the Tota Pulchra Seminar Compassion the key to Global issues. eprint.
  2. Minh Ha-Duong (2024-03-01) How to choose a good dissertation topic ? In 10 steps. Research & Innovation Consulting Hub, Academic Talk webinar. eprint.
  3. Minh Ha-Duong (2023-04-18) Status of the JETP in Vietnam. The Just Energy Transition Partnerships in South Africa, Indonesia and Vietnam. International Network of Energy Transition Think Tanks webinar. eprint url.
  4. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-10-14) Overview of the global fossil fuel market and its impact on the domestic market in Vietnam. Communication to the VIET SE Advisory Council annual meeting.
  5. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-09-07) Overview of PDP8 and National Transition Roadmap. Communication to the Vietnam Energy Forum: Energy transition to sustainable development session, before chairing the panel discussion. eprint url.
  6. Minh Ha-Duong; Laurent El Ghaoui (2022-07-13) Establishing a Center for Environmental Intelligence. Framing presentation of the Vinuniversity Center for Environmental Intelligence inception workshop.
  7. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-07-13) Research ideas on Energy (SDG 7). Contribution to the Vinuniversity Center for Environmental Intelligence inception workshop.
  8. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-07-13) Forest carbon Monitoring, Verification, Certification by remote sensing. Contribution to the Vinuniversity Center for Environmental Intelligence inception workshop.
  9. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-06-24) PDP8: Genesis and exegesis and four questions to modelers. Presentation (15mn) to the AFD Workshop on Macro/energy modelization of a Net Zero strategy in Viet Nam. eprint.
  10. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-06-24) Establishing a Center for Environmental Intelligence. Presentation (15mn) to the AFD Workshop on Macro/energy modelization of a Net Zero strategy in Viet Nam.
  11. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-04-12) Research howtos. Three fascicles for students, analysts and their supervisors. This handbook is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Sharealike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA). eprint.
  12. Minh Ha-Duong; Fabby Tumiwa (2021-07-08) Clean energy and environment in Southeast Asia. Lesson (2h) to YSEALI's Academy Flagship seminar 2021 – Energy in ASEAN. Lecture 4. eprint.
  13. Minh Ha-Duong (2018-12-03) Changement climatique et transition énergétique au Vietnam. Conférence invitée (2h), Lycée Français Alexandre Yersin. eprint.
  14. Minh Ha-Duong (2018-10-18) 10 insights on the energy transition in Vietnam. Invited conference. Lesson (1h) to the training on Energy Planning and Sustainable Development in USTH. eprint.
  15. Minh Ha-Duong (2017-10-28) Introduction to financial reporting. Lesson (3h) to USTH M2 and Doctoral students.
  16. Minh Ha-Duong (2017-08-25) Le droit à l'énergie: dangereuse chimère ou juste exigence ? Communication invitée à l'Université d'Été du PCF.
  17. Minh Ha-Duong (2017-08-25) Quel avenir pour l'accord de Paris ? Les enjeux climatiques globaux 20 mois après. Communication invitée à l'Université d'Été du PCF.
  18. Minh Ha-Duong (2017-07-31) Electricity in Vietnam: where does it come from, how to make it greener? Communication to the Officience company corporate social responsibility seminar, 2 hours evening conference/debate at Officience Cty, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  19. Minh Ha-Duong (2015-12-01) Visions of a low carbon society. Communication to the Aperoffy networking seminar in Paris on the occasion of COP21, 3 hours evening seminar. eprint.
  20. Minh Ha-Duong (2015-06-09) The challenges of Climate Change and the COP21: ambition and aims. Invited conference at University of Moratuwa. [Same as: Minh Ha-Duong (2015-06-10) The challenges of Climate Change and the COP21: ambition and aims. Climate change forum: Favouring a green economy and sustainable urban development, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Invited opening keynote. eprint.]
  21. Minh Ha-Duong (2015-05-05) Visions of a low carbon society: results for France and discussions for Viet Nam. Communication to the Aperoffy corporate social responsibility seminar, 3 hours evening session at Officience Cty, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. eprint.
  22. Minh Ha-Duong (2014-11-10) Économie et société. Module du master : Approches interdisciplinaires des énergies de demain (AIED), spécialité Énergie, écologie, société (E2S), co-enseigné avec Pr. Yorgos Rizopoulos, 7h, en Français. url.
  23. Minh Ha-Duong (2014-05-24) Le cinquième rapport d'évaluation du GIEC, Groupe III. Invited conference. Lesson (2h) given to Sainte Marie High School, Antony.
  24. Minh Ha-Duong (2014-04-07) Panorama de la transition énergétique en France, à partir de trois journées de dialogue CNRS. Le projet RnDialogue. Lesson (3h) given to the ABIES et CFDIP doctoral school course on Sciences et société, débats publics et controverses, module Changement énergétiques. AgroParisTech, Paris.
  25. Minh Ha-Duong; Hoang Anh Trinh Nguyễn (2013-12-23) Environmental and Natural Resources Economics. 18h course, in English, M2 students in Water, Environment and Oceanography and in Renewable Energy at University of Science and Technology Hanoi.
  26. Minh Ha-Duong (2013-09-09) Evaluation actuarielle d'un risque industriel. Module de la semaine "Le risque dans tous ses états", École des Ponts ParisTech, Champs sur Marne, 13 heures, en Français. url.
  27. Minh Ha-Duong; Hoang Anh Trinh Nguyễn (2012-11-12) Environmental and Natural Resources Economics. 18h course, in English, M2 students in Water, Environment and Oceanography at University of Science and Technology Hanoi.
  28. Minh Ha-Duong (2012-10-12) Dimensions of ignorance and uncertainty management by scientists. Lesson (3h) given to AgroParisTech engineering school, 3A-SPES.
  29. Minh Ha-Duong (2012-09-17) Evaluation actuarielle d'un risque industriel. Module de la semaine "Le risque dans tous ses états", École des Ponts ParisTech, Champs sur Marne, 18 heures, en Français. url.
  30. Minh Ha-Duong (2012-09) Carbon Capture and Storage. Module de l'option EIE, EPF, Sceaux, 18 hours, in English.
  31. Minh Ha-Duong (2012-09) Captage et Stockage du Carbone. Module de l'option Énergie Environnement, EPF, Sceaux, 18 heures, en Français.
  32. Minh Ha-Duong (2012-05-09) Incertitude et analyse du long terme. Lesson given at the Ponts ParisTech engineering school, Champs sur Marne. eprint.
  33. Minh Ha-Duong (2012-01-31) Incertitude et decision publique. Lesson given at the Stage Changement climatique, DREAL-Agences de l'eau, École Nationale de la M`etéorologie, Toulouse.
  34. Minh Ha-Duong (2011-09) Evaluation actuarielle d'un risque industriel. Module de la semaine "Le risque dans tous ses états", École des Ponts ParisTech, Champs sur Marne, 15 heures, en Français. url.
  35. Minh Ha-Duong (2011-05-25) Incertitude et analyse du long terme: optimisation et scenarios. Lesson given at the Ponts ParisTech engineering school, Champs sur Marne. eprint.
  36. Minh Ha-Duong (2011-01-20) Social perception of CCS. Lesson given to Master students at ISIGE-ENSMP, Fontainebleau. eprint.
  37. Minh Ha-Duong (2010-12-12) Report on the First international workshop on biomass and carbon capture and storage (BCCS). Communication invitée au Séminaire de restitution sur les conférences majeures sur le CCS en 2010, CIRED.
  38. Minh Ha-Duong; Nhan Thanh Nguyễn (2010-08-18) CO2 emissions mitigation potential in Vietnam's power sector. Lesson given at Summer School 2010: economics and natural resource and environment policy, ISPONRE, Hanoi.
  39. Minh Ha-Duong; Nhan Thanh Nguyễn (2010-08-18) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Lesson given at Summer School 2010: economics and natural resource and environment policy, ISPONRE, Hanoi.
  40. Minh Ha-Duong (2010-08-17) Decision analysis for the very long run: optimization vs. scenarios. Lesson given at Summer School 2010: economics and natural resource and environment policy, ISPONRE, Hanoi.
  41. Minh Ha-Duong (2010-08-17) Introduction to climate change. Lesson given at Summer School 2010: economics and natural resource and environment policy, ISPONRE, Hanoi.
  42. Minh Ha-Duong (2010-06-04) Dimensions of ignorance and uncertainty management in the IPCC. Lesson given to the NICE Spring School in Hyères, France.
  43. Minh Ha-Duong (2010-06-03) Decision analysis for the very long run: what is a (climate) scenario? Lesson given to the NICE Spring School in Hyères, France.
  44. Minh Ha-Duong (2010-01-19) Social perception of carbon capture and storage. Lesson given to the IGE, EnvIM and ALEF post-master students (year 2009-2010) in ISEL, Le Havre, France.
  45. Minh Ha-Duong (2009-12-04) Incertitude et analyse du long terme. Lesson given at ENSTA, Paris, Slides of a 3 hours class given to master's level students in Engineering.
  46. Minh Ha-Duong (2009-12-03) Social aspects of carbon capture, transport and storage. Lesson given to the Franco-Norvegian doctoral school in Le Havre, France.
  47. Minh Ha-Duong (2009-11-04) Le CSC pas la CSC. Communication invitée à la journée `Communication for CCS' du Global CCS Institute, Hotel Méridien Étoile, Paris.
  48. Minh Ha-Duong (2008-12-12) La décision sous incertitude. Lesson given at ENSTA, Paris, Slides of a 3 hours class given to master's level students in Engineering.
  49. Minh Ha-Duong (2008-03-21) CCS economics and acceptability. Lesson given at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP), Slides of a 2 hours class given to master's level students in geology. Also given at AgroParisTech, ENGREF building, nov. 21st 2008.
  50. Minh Ha-Duong (2006-06-12) HAL au CIRED : le point de vue d'un utilisateur. Communication invitée à la journée de présentation de l'archive ouverte HAL à l'École des Ponts.
  51. Minh Ha-Duong (2005-05-09) Techniques de modélisation et analyse de l'incertitude. Support du cours Prospective et Décision sous incertitude du Master ParisTech Transport et Développement Durable.
  52. Minh Ha-Duong (2003-09-30) Modeling climate change uncertainty with imprecise probabilities. Lesson given at the workshop on Integrated Climate Models: An interdisciplinary assessment of climate impacts and policies, Slides of a 3 1/2 hours, 3 parts tutorial to economist postdocs.
  53. Minh Ha-Duong (2002-02-11) An economic perspective on information warfare and security. Lesson (2h, undergraduate) given at Carnegie Mellon University.
  54. Minh Ha-Duong (2000-04) Results in Climate Change Risk Modeling. Invited speaker at the Center for Integrated Study of the Human Dimensions of Global Change lunch seminar.

Technical reports and working papers

  1. Minh Ha-Duong (2024-03-12) L'intelligence artificielle au service de l'auto-évaluation des unités de recherche. Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement. eprint.
  2. Minh Ha-Duong (2024-01-31) Accelerating Vietnam's energy transition: A retrospective of VIETSE's activities. Working paper.
  3. Minh Ha-Duong; Christophe Cassen (2024-01-18) Just Energy Transition Partnerships at two: doctrine, execution and way forward. Working paper. eprint.
  4. Minh Ha-Duong (2023-05) Vietnam’s Just Energy Transition Partnership: a background report. Centre international de recherche sur l’environnement et le développement, CIRED Working Paper 2023-90. eprint url.
  5. Minh Ha-Duong (2023-03-24) Vietnam’s energy security in 2023: Global coal and LNG markets. Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition, VIETSE Technical Report RR/14 - VIET03.2023/EN, Also available in Vietnamese at https://vietse.vn. eprint url.
  6. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-06-29) Academic business plan for VinUniversity's initiative to establish a Center for Environmental Intelligence including an Executive Summary and Slide deck. College of Engineering and Computer Sciences, VinAcademy Education and Training LLC 197/2022/SERVICE CONTRACT/VINACADEMY-HDMX, pp. 40.
  7. Minh Ha-Duong (2022-05-04) Dataset of wind power projects in Vietnam, 2022-05. Working paper. eprint.
  8. Minh Ha-Duong (2021-03) Decentralized renewable energy broke Vietnam's power planning logic. Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition, VIETSE Technical Report PB08/VIET03.2021/ENG. eprint url.
  9. An Ha Truong; Tố Nhiên Ngô; Minh Ha-Duong; other VIET analysts; consultants (2020-09) Preliminary Results on Vietnam’s 8th Power Development Plan (PDP8) for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2045. Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition, VIETSE Policy Note PN/07 - VIET09.2020/EN, Also available in Vietnamese at https://vietse.vn.
  10. An Ha Truong; Hoang Anh Tran; Minh Ha-Duong (2020-05) Biomass co-firing and renewable portfolio standard scenarios to 2030. Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition, VIET Policy note RR/03 - VIET05.2020/EN, Also available in Vietnamese at https://vietse.vn. eprint.
  11. Minh Ha-Duong; Sven Teske; Dimitri Pescia; Mentari Pujantoro (2020-02-26) Options for wind power in Vietnam by 2030. Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition. eprint.
  12. Minh Ha-Duong (2019-06-22) Three scenarios for coal power in Vietnam. Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition. eprint.
  13. Minh Ha-Duong; Tố Nhiên Ngô (2019-06-04) Renewable energy law and auctions in Vietnam. Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition, VIET SE Policy note. eprint.
  14. Hoai Son Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong (2018-11) Assigning official national administration unit codes to Vietnam GADM shapefile 2018 at ward level. Centre international de recherche sur l’environnement et le développement, CIRED Working Paper 2018-70. eprint url.
  15. Minh Ha-Duong (2018) Les défis de la transition énergétique au Vietnam. Working paper.
  16. Lan Anh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong; Xuân Trường Nguyễn (2017-12-27) Thu hoạch điện mặt trời từ mái nhà - Chính sách hỗ trợ của Việt Nam có đủ mạnh? Working paper.
  17. Nicolas Brizard; Minh Ha-Duong; Nguyễn Quoc Khanh (2017-12-26) Draft Technical report 'Enhance Energy Data and Statistics of Vietnam in view of the Establishment of an Energy Information System in Vietnam'. EU Technical Assistance Facility for the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4ALL). Neighbourhood (East and South), Asia (including Central Asia), Latin America, Caribbean and Pacific, GT\# 35/VEDS-RoMAP (Asia - Vietnam) Technical Report - Deliverable D2c Contract No 2014/352-852. EuropeAid/135600/DH/SER/MULTI, pp. 69.
  18. Minh Ha-Duong; Nguyễn Xuan Truong; Nguyễn Thi Lan Anh (2017-12-19) Final Evaluation report of 'Sustainable Energy for Urban Households in Hanoi'. BlueGate Co., Ltd, Report submitted to the Finland embassy in Hanoi, in EN and VN, pp. 20.
  19. Minh Ha-Duong (2017-08) Le droit à l'énergie: dangereuse chimère ou juste exigence ? Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement, CIRED Working Paper 2017-67. url.
  20. Minh Ha-Duong; Hoai Son Nguyễn (2017-07) Is electricity affordable and reliable for all in Vietnam? Centre international de recherche sur l’environnement et le développement, CIRED Working Paper 2017-65. eprint url.
  21. Minh Ha-Duong; An Ha Truong; Nam Nguyễn; Hoang Anh Trinh Nguyễn (2016-06-30) Synthesis Report on Socio-environmental Impacts of Coal and Coal-fired Power Plants in Vietnam. Clean Energy and Sustainable Development lab - CleanED, Synthesis report submitted to GreenID, pp. 47. eprint.
  22. Minh Ha-Duong; Franck Nadaud; Martin Jégard (2016) Two historical changes in the narrative of energy forecasts. Working paper. eprint.
  23. Jean-Philippe Denruyter; Hoang Anh Nguyễn Trinh; Minh Ha-Duong; Hoai-Son Nguyễn (2016) Power Sector Vision Towards 100% Renewable Electricity by 2050 In Greater Mekong Region - Vietnam Report Part A. WWF. eprint url.
  24. Marta Benito; Minh Ha-Duong (2015-12) Assisted Migration of Forests as a climate change economic mitigation strategy. CIRED, CNRS, Final Report of AMECO, Marie Curie Action project 327778, pp. 11. eprint url.
  25. Olav Øye; Laura Aelenei; Line Barkved; Stan Beaubien; Teresa Bertrand; Miriame Cherbib; Emily Creamer; Sirin Engen; Anna Ernst; Vasiliki Gemeni; Minh Ha-Duong; Lucia Hrivnakova; Vit Hladik; Nikolaos Koukouzas; Carly Maynard; Ron Overgoor; Ana Picado; Stefano Pirrotta; Melanie Provoost; Sandra Ramos; Stijn Santen; Konstantinos Sfetsioris; Simon Shackley; Camilla Svendsen Skriung; Robert van der Lande; Gert-Jan van der Panne; Samuela Vercelli (2015-12) European Dialogue Report. Lessons from ten low-carbon dialogues. Triarii BV for the R&Dialogue consortium, R&Dialogue research project deliverable report 12.2. eprint url.
  26. Olav Øye; Laura Aelenei; Line Barkved; Stan Beaubien; Teresa Bertrand; Miriame Cherbib; Sirin Engen; Emily Creamer; Anna Ernst; Marie Gastine; Vasiliki Gemeni; Minh Ha-Duong; Ales Havlin; Vit Hladik; Lucia Hrivnakova; Nikolaos Koukouzas; Carly Maynard; Ron Overgoor; Ana Picado; Stefano Pirrotta; Melanie Provoost; Sandra Ramos; Stijn Santen; Konstantinos Sfetsioris; Simon Shackley; Camilla Svendsen Skriung; Robert van der Lande; Gert-Jan van der Panne; Vong Chan Quang; Samuela Vercelli (2015-12) A vision and action plan for a low-carbon Europe. Triarii BV for the R&Dialogue consortium, R&Dialogue research project deliverable report 12.3. eprint url.
  27. Miriame Cherbib; Marie Gastine; Minh Ha-Duong; Samuela Vercelli; Chan Quang Vong (2015-07) National Low-Carbon Dialogue Event France. CIRED/SMASH, R&Dialogue project deliverable report 5.4. eprint.
  28. Miriame Cherbib; Minh Ha-Duong; Marie Gastine; Quang Chan Vong; Laurent Dumergues; Benoît De Guillebon (2015-05) French R&Dialogue Council Vision Paper. CIRED/SMASH, R&Dialogue project deliverable report 5.3. eprint.
  29. Miriame Cherbib; Minh Ha-Duong; Marie Gastine; Quang Chan Vong; Laurent Dumergues; Benoît De Guillebon (2015-05) French R&Dialogue Council Discussion Paper. CIRED/SMASH, R&Dialogue project deliverable report 5.2. eprint.
  30. Olivier Boucher; Benoit de Guillebon; Luc Abbadie; P. Barré; S. Bekki; Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent; Stéphane Blain; D. Bonnelle; Philippe Ciais; François Clin; Amy Dahan; M.-L. Dangeard; Renaud de Richter; M. Dörries; Laurent Dumergues; Bénédicte Fisset; Thomas Gasser; F. Gemenne; S. Godin-Beekmann; B. Guillaume; Minh Ha-Duong; Jean-Marc Laperrelle; Pascal Maugis; D. Montout; P. Perret; B. Quéguiner; D. Salas y Melia; Fabienne Trolard; Mieke van Hemert; E. Vésine; Éric Vidalenc (2014-05) Atelier de Réflexion Prospective REAGIR. Réflexion systémique sur les enjeux et méthodes de la géo-ingénierie de l'environnement. APESA, CNRS, ANR, Rapport final.
  31. Minh Ha-Duong (2014-03-27) Quels scénarios pour la géo-ingénierie ? Working paper, Rapport pour l'APESA dans le cadre du projet ARP REAGIR.
  32. Minh Ha-Duong; Fabienne Trolard (2013-11-08) Rapport de l'atelier REAGIR Géo-ingénierie et Risques. Working paper, Remis à l'APESA et au LMD, co-coordinateurs de l'Atelier de Réflexion Prospective ANR, Avec le support de Bénédicte Fisset et les contributions de François Clin, Marie-Lorraine Dangeard, Thomas Gasser, Pascal Maugis, Dorine Montout, Patrick Perret et Claire-Anne Reix.
  33. Minh Ha-Duong (2013-07) La géo-ingénierie à l'étranger. Working paper, Rapport pour l'APESA dans le cadre du projet ARP REAGIR.
  34. Minh Ha-Duong; Michèle Gaultier; Benoît de Guillebon; Gilles Mardon (2013) Social aspects of Total's Lacq CCS pilot project. Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement, CIRED Working Paper 2013-45. eprint url.
  35. Minh Ha-Duong (2012) Review of risk and uncertainty concepts for climate change assessments including human dimensions. Working paper. eprint.
  36. Minh Ha-Duong (2011) Mettre en carte l'acceptabilité sociale du stockage géologique du CO2 : statistique ou politique ? Working paper.
  37. Minh Ha-Duong; Rodica Loisel (2010-05-20) Expected fatalities for one wedge of CCS mitigation. Actuarial risk assessment of expected fatalities attributable to carbon capture and storage in 2050. Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Développement, CIRED Working Paper 21-2010, pp. 27. eprint url.
  38. Nhan Thanh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong; Thanh C. Tran; Ram M. Shrestha; Franck Nadaud (2010-01) Barriers to the adoption of renewable and energy efficient technologies in the Vietnamese power sector. Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement, CIRED Working Paper 18-2010. url.
  39. Nhan Thanh Nguyễn; Minh Ha-Duong (2009) The potential for mitigation of CO2 emissions in Vietnam's power sector. Development and Policies Research Center, DEPOCEN Working Paper 2009/22. eprint url.
  40. Minh Ha-Duong; Ana Sofı́a Campos (2007-06-14) The SOCECO2 survey dataset. Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Développement.
  41. Minh Ha-Duong; Gilles Mardon (2007-06) Enquête pilote sur la perception de la technologie "capture et séquestration du CO2" en France. Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement NA/PN 003.
  42. Minh Ha-Duong (2006) Scenarios, probability and possible futures. Working paper. eprint.
  43. Minh Ha-Duong; Gilles Mardon (2004) Sur la communication par le web d'un laboratoire de recherche. Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement. eprint.
  44. Minh Ha-Duong; Benoit Morel (2002) The Real Option with an absorbing barrier. Working paper. eprint.
  45. Patrice Dumas; Minh Ha-Duong (2002) La fonction d'impact dans l'analyse coût-bénéfice du changement climatique. Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement, Modélisation intégrée, évaluation des risques climatiques et des politiques de précaution (Rapport final), Programme GICC (ADEME/MATE/MIES) coordonné par Jean-Charles Hourcade and Hervé Le Treut.
  46. Minh Ha-Duong; Nicolas Treich; Didier Hauglustaine (2000-07) Modélisation environnementale globale, variabilité et décision. Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement, Rapport pour l'Aide à Projet Nouveau MEGVD, Remis au CNRS, disponible pour consulation au CIRED.
  47. Minh Ha-Duong; Nicolas Treich (2000) Recursive Intergenerational Utility in Global Climate Risk Modeling. Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Note di lavoro 1999.092, Also presented at EMF/IEW meeting in Stanford, July 2000, at Journees de l'IDEI, Toulouse, 16-17 juin 1999. Also presented at the EUREQUA, Paris environmental Economics seminar, 2 dec 1999. url.
  48. Minh Ha-Duong; Aicha Ouharon; Jean Baillon; Laure Lambrot (1999-12) Les enjeux économiques et institutionnels du changement climatique. 2e partie: Modélisation intégrée des trajectoires technologiques et des impacts climatiques. Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement, Rapport du groupe de recherche OIKIA, Remis au MATE.
  49. Minh Ha-Duong (1998-10-09) Faut-il modérer le changement climatique? Working paper.
  50. Jean-Charles Hourcade (coordinator); Minh Ha-Duong (Ed.) (1998-07) INASUD Final Report. CIRED, with contribution from IVM, IIASA, SMASH and RIIA, Project report, Delivered to the European Union, DG XII.
  51. Reyer Gerlagh; Minh Ha-Duong; Richard S. J. Tol (1998) Cost-Benefit Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Working paper, Exploratory note for INASUD project (unpublished), pp. 25.
  52. Minh Ha-Duong; Thierry Chapuis; Michael J. Grubb (1997) DIAM: a Model for studying the Dynamics of Inertia and Adaptability in the climate change issue. Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement, Published in Inasud Interim Report and the author's doctoral thesis.
  53. Pierre Matarasso; Minh Ha-Duong (1997) Analysis of IAM dynamics and related mathematical problems. Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement, Published in Inasud Interim Report.
  54. Minh Ha-Duong (1997) Une étude de la prise en compte de l'irréversibilité et de l'incertitude dans quelques modèles d'évaluation intégrée du changement climatique. Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement, Published in Inasud Interim Report and the author's doctoral thesis.
  55. Minh Ha-Duong (1992) Production et utilisation industrielle de biomasse énergétique; risques pour l'environnement, nouvelles technologies. École Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts (ENGREF), Rapport du stage en Mission pour l'entreprise réalisé à Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS).
  56. Minh Ha-Duong; Caroline Maes; Pascale Mercier; Guypsy Michel (1991-12) Études globales d'environnement relatives aux usages agricoles et ruraux de l'eau. École Nationale du Génie Rural, des eaux et des forêts, Rapport du Travail en Équipe Semestriel.